Monday, February 25, 2008

Gross idea

Okay, I came up with this awesome idea for a scene in a horror movie last night. Mike was totally grossed out, but I still think it's awesome, so I'm going to share it. I've had this horrible congestion lately, even though the rest of my cold has been gone for almost 2 weeks, the stuffed up, snotty nose just WON'T go away. I started to wonder where all the green boogers come from! Seriously, I blow my nose like every 5-10 minutes, and I am so amazed at the volume of this stuff. Where is it stored in me? My roommate T said that it is all in my sinuses...behind my cheeks, behind my eyes, etc. SO totally gross. I have snot pockets in my face. Makes sense why I've had such sinus headaches. But anyway.

So, I was thinking, for a horror movie, part of the storyline could be that one of the characters has a really bad cold. Then, however they end up getting murdered (it's a horror movie...almost everyone gets murdered, k?), their face would get blown off, and along with all the blood and guts, you'd see all the green boogery goo, too. Isn't that rad? I should totally be a horror film writer...LOL


April said...

Alanna. I seriously just threw up in my mouth a little bit. LOL

Alanna said...

April, that's the reaction I was hoping for. LOL