Tuesday, February 5, 2008

biting my nails

(Like 2 minutes after my original post...)
Hillary is projected to win California. Wow. I'm a little sad. :( I was REALLY hoping for Obama. There's still hope...I'm still hoping it will happen!!! And yay for McCain. I was so not thrilled with Romney.

Seriously, elections make me nervous. Like I told my friend KT earlier, this is like a football game that lasts all day and then some. I am SO anxious to see who is going to win! I know that Super Tuesday isn't even going to decide it...things are so close right now! But, I'm especially to see what my own state of California votes. I'm glad that McCain is doing well as the Republican candidate, but I am seriously biting my nails and my heart is pounding over the race between Hillary and Obama. I am SO anxious to see what happens! Maybe I'll stay up all night...we shall see...


CB said...

ME TOO! I keep flipping between CNN and HGTV/food network. Obama-Hillary-Obama-Hillary... who's gonna be our next president?

Nikki57 said...

Lucky for me I like both Hillary and Obama and on the Republican side I like McCain the best.

I like Hillary a little bit more purely for the experience factor. Obama's campaign is just like our current governor's was and he's been useless. I know they're not the same people, but I worry that someone lacking experience will take a few years to get used to things and we need things to start changing day 1.

That and policy wise I agree with each of them on the same number of things so I had to find something to sway it one way or another.

I've been saying for four years that I would love to see a Clinton/Obama ticket and I still stand by that

Alanna said...

Yeah, I've been saying all along that I'd be happy with either Hillary or Obama, and I definitely think McCain is the best Republican candidate. But, since I voted for Obama, I've got that little twinge when I see Hillary win...just because. I definitely think this year is going to be an AWESOME one for change!!!