Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another interview!

As many of you know, I didn't get the job I was SO nervously excited about a couple of weeks ago. :( It was very depressing, but they always say that when God closes one door, He always opens a window (or another door, or whatever!)

Well, today I just got an email and a phone call about another job I had applied for the other day. It sounds like it could be perfect for me. Near my house, a view of the ocean, a small design company...perfect. The job responsibilities are exactly what I've been doing over the years, and exactly what I'm looking to do now. They were really excited to see in my resume that I have a creative background, so that is a good sign, since I'm looking for a creative company! I interview with them this week.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that this will go well!


CB said...

OHMYGOD! thats so exciting! Definitely keep us updated. I'll be crossing every body part that I can... GL!

Alanna said...

Oh my...I don't know if I really want to picture that! LOL

Thanks!!!! I'll be updating tomorrow!